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The online registration/filling of application forms by the applicants will consist of two steps.


(i) Step –I Registration:

(a) Applicant is required to apply online.  No other means/mode of submission of applications including manual/paper will be accepted under any circumstances.

 (b) Applicant can register and apply online from anywhere through the internet.

(c) Applicant is required to have a valid personal active email ID. In case an applicant does not have a valid personal email ID, he/she should create his/her new email ID before applying online. It should be kept active during the entire process.

(d) Applicant is not allowed to edit/update information after submitting the registration form. For every successful registration, system will allot a unique Registration Number and the applicant can take a Print Out of the same for future reference.


 (ii) Step-II  Applying Online:

(a)    After completion of Registration, applicant can apply online with  Registration Number and Date of birth.

 (b)   Before applying online, applicant must have a scanned copy of recent passport size photograph, signature, graduation, post graduation diploma/degree, experience certificate and proof of Identity. The scanned document must be in .jpg/.jpeg format only. The Applicant must also have scanned copy of duty signed curriculum vitae in .pdf format. The Size of the scanned document should be less than 100kb. The entire said scanned documents should be uploaded on the portal.

(c) The scanned copy of duly signed Acceptance of terms and conditions given in Terms of Reference of Engagement should also be uploaded in .jpg/.jpeg format only having size less than 100 kb.

(d)    Applicant should fill up all required information in the online form correctly. Applicant will see his/her application form summary under PREVIEW option . Before submission of fee, applicant should check his/her details and make necessary corrections, under option Edit/Update . After ensuring the correctness of  the particulars of the application form, applicant is required to pay fee through the payment gateway integrated with the application by following the instructions available on the screen.

Application fee is 100+18(GST)=118*:

*Bank Charges:- Debit Card:Nil, Credit Card: Nil, UPI: Nil,  Internet Banking: Ranging between Rs 10 to 20.

(e)   No editing in the application allowed after making payment.

(f)    Fee at any stage is not refundable.


   In case of  non-payment of fee/payment failure, the applicant can pay the fee using Pay Fee option. This option will only be available till the last date of submission of application form.

In case applicant paid the fee and the same does not reflect as paid fee, then it will take minimum 3 working days to confirm the payment.


 If the applicant is unable to get the printout of the application form after successfully completing the Fee process then applicant can re-print the Application Form using  Registration No. and Date of Birth.


(1)     If the Signature/Photograph of the Applicant did not match at the time of test then the form will be rejected straight away.

(2)     In case the applicant fails to deposit the fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled/ rejected and shall not be considered for further processing.

(3)     Candidates may download the e-admit card from the website. No individual communication will be sent to the applicants regarding the date of test.

(4) Rescheduling of Exam date & Time will not be done under any circumstances.

(5)  The application system is not checking your eligibility while submission. Hence you are required to ensure your eligibility w.r.t our detailed advertisement before applying. Mere submission of application will not guarantee the candidature for  further process.


It shall be responsibility of the Applicant to visit the portal regularly for important notifications/Updates